We're working to ensure that men and boys living with and beyond testicular cancer have the treatment and care needed to be physically and mentally well.
Why testicular cancer?
In most cases (better than 95%) a diagnosis of testicular cancer means established treatments and a good outcome. Unfortunately, there are a small proportion of men and boys who do not face that good outcome, and more needs to be done to support these men through diagnosis and treatment and into a long and healthy life after cancer.
How we're tackling testicular cancer
We bring people together to collaborate on solutions that will fundamentally change the way men with testicular cancer are treated and supported. We're funding initiatives that:
1. Deepen the worldwide scientific understanding of testicular cancer and its treatments and outcomes.
2. Provide proactive support to men and boys affected by testicular cancer and their families.
3. Educate men and boys on risk factors and encourage them to seek treatment.
Download our full funding strategy
Programmes we're funding
In 2013 our Global Action Plan (GAP) expanded to cover testicular cancer. GAP is a global initiative run wholly by the Movember Foundation. We also fund country and community-specific testicular cancer programs in partnership with leading organisations in the field, where these programmes are likely to have a significant impact and can be scaled up to a national or international level.
An innovative global approach

Our Global Action Plan
Our Global Action Plan (GAP) connects clinicians and researchers from around the world to accelerate health outcomes for men living with prostate and testicular cancer.
Recent testicular cancer initiatives around the world

Testicular Cancer Research Breakthrough
We funded the largest comprehensive sequencing study of testicular tumours published to date. This has lead to several important discoveries that improve our understanding of testicular cancer and how to treat it effectively.
- Listen to Movember Radio to hear from Dr. Clare Turnbull at the Institute of Cancer Research in the UK who led this groundbreaking research.

Supporting the European contribution to the TIGER trial
We've partnered with the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer to fund a multi-national clinical trial to determine which therapy works best for men who've been treated for testicular cancer, but in whom the cancer has returned.
We fund TIGER trial participation in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.
View all testicular cancer programmes
Despite being the most common cancer in young men, testicular cancer is often a forgotten cancer due to early detection and treatment. Our projects look at underinvested areas such as improving access to healthcare services and treatment options for relapse.
- Paul Villanti, Executive Director, Programmes